Things we’ve been up to, things we like and other bits ‘n’ pieces.

ORCA - Our new in-house recycling system

We are always researching new, innovative technologies that can help us be more sustainable. Our aim as a business is to provide food to businesses in the most sustainable ways possible, whether this relates to sourcing,operations or even the community.

We are excited to announce that we have now installed an ORCA machine, which prides itself as being 'an innovative food waste solution'. Typically, we have been separating our food waste and having it collected by trucks on a regular basis to be recycled. This has been a good viable option for us, up until now. Now, the ORCA machine has eliminated our need for these collection trucks to be on the road.

HOW IT WORKS: The Orca mimics a natural digestion process. We empty our food waste into the machine to be digested, turning it into liquid which then goes through our existing plumbing infrastructure and is then used to create renewable, sustainable energy. By having our own on-site recycling system, we can reduce both methane and carbon dioxide emissions. 

This clever machine can digest up to 30kg an hour, meaning we are recycling about 270kg of food waste per day. Being able to have control of our own recycling system means we know exactly how we are contributing to recycling and is also a handy tool to analyse how much food waste we actually produce (the ORCA has an in-built scale so we know not to overfeed it)!

This is a fantastic investment for Eden and we are excited to get going with the machine and to get some actual stats back after some usage. We will be sharing them with you all soon!

The Eden Team

Category: General News

Posted: 15/08/2019


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